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Woinego nguessa bey tardeh darri-ndé

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Haa nokoudjé latiidé famda pewol djé, tonne mane toboo donne famdi et donne dayi-ndiri, sigago ndiyame haa lesdi bana ndii foti wada tchendiigou hakkou_ndé yam-ndé wot-ndé et kallou-ndé.onne potti oustonne pargal ndiyame illodjame bey tardeh darri-ndé. Tardeh darri-ndé ndoume guirri gondi nder lesdi foroye tokkotirdi dow djabi gooti haa ko ko towii. Handeh doubi 20 remobé bey lesdi bourkina fassoet lesdi mali donne koutinira tardeh darrideh haa gueseh mabbé  bey tow-ndé famardé  gaéé tobbé 5 dow téméré.

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Fulfulde (Cameroon)
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